It is programmed in the Windows macro language: The 30 column descriptive text for this line of data is: For systems containing a junction s on a tributary, the-junctions must be ordered in the manner indicated in Figure A-l; that is, the junctions must be ordered so that the element numbers just downstream of the junction are specified in ascending order. For a dynamic simulation, the maximum route time is specified in columns Software Environment and Interface. This heat is distributed uniformly throughout the underlying volume of Av dx Where Ax is the mean cross-sectional area of the element.
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Elder's expression, however, seems adequate in one-dimensional situations where the channel is not too wide.
Quwl2e each case, the half saturation light function is used as an example; in practice any of the three light functions may be employed. This report was submitted in partial fulfillment of Cooperative Agree- ment No. This user's guide is designed to assist the user in this process. LIN - Card 6 contains the linear and nonlinear algal selfshading light extinction coefficients. Nitrate as N 9. The total variability in simulated CBOD estimated by the first order analysis, when expressed as a standard deviation, varies from 0.
Global values may be used all reaches having the same values for each of the temperature simulation inputsor different input values may be explicitly specified for each reach in the system. In addition, denitrification is modeled as a first-order reaction that becomes pronounced at low oxygen concentrations. Subsequent lines contain the quzl2e information, formatted as follows.
Enhanced Stream Water Quality Models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS: Documentation and User Model
I, ppQal2e. The author also wishes to acknowledge Barbara Notini, graduate student, for her work in compiling the input variance data base and in performing the many monte carlo simulations.
Each reach is then divided into computational elements of equal length so that all computational elements in all reaches are the same length. QUAL2E pea requires K bytes of memory and uses a single system input device cards or disk file and the system's line printer or disk file as the output device. In contrast, Q2K uses unequally-spaced reaches. It consists of one line and is prepared in the following format.

Coliforms are used as an indicator of pathogen contamination in sur- face waters. In that system, large changes in elevation presented difficulties in calibrating QUAL2E for temperature and dissolved qul2e. The components of variance for each output variable Y are the percent ages of output variance attributable to each input variable X, computed in the following manner.
Surface Water Models to Assess Exposures | Environmental Modeling Community of Practice | US EPA
The river has a uniform low slope, but is characterized by alternating shoals and pools often in excess of 25 feet deep. All computational elements epaa have the same length as specified in Type 1 Data.
Data Type 7 - Initial Conditions - 1 This card group, one card per reach, establishes the initial conditions of the system, with respect to temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, BOD concentration, and conservative minerals.
Data Type 11 - Point Load - 1 This group of cards is used to define point source qjal2e and point withdrawals from the stream system. Twenty replicate sets of 25, 50, and monte carlo simulations were conducted.
Surface Water Models to Assess Exposures
As with CBOD, practically all the DO sensitivity in the upper reaches can be attributed to headwater DO; however as one proceeds downstream, DO loses sensitivity to the headwater condition. III-6a,b,c and outlined in the following table. FL is computed from one daylight average solar radiation value calculated in the steady state temperature heat balance: These statements may be modi- fied by the user to accommodate a particular computer system or QUAL2E simu- lation application.
The value in columns may be left blank because it is not required in the steady-state solution. Table lists these system parameters and gives the usual range of values, units, and types of variation.

Number of Monte Carlo Simulations. The solar radiation factor Data Type 1A, card 11 specifies the fraction of the solar radiation computed in the heat balance that is photosynthetically active. The general basis of a finite difference scheme is to find the value of a variable e. If the sensitivity analysis option is qial2e exercised, data type 4 conveys to UNCAS whether the inputs specified qua2e Data Type 8 are to be perturbed a singly or in groups or b using a factorial design strategy.
The qua,2e consists of a comparison of a the steady state convergence characteristics for tempera- ture and algae and b the base and new values of the output variables at the locations specified. LAKE2K - One-dimensional vertical model that is designed to compute seasonal trends of water quality in stratified lakes. DAT consists of the variable code name, its QUA12E data type, its coefficient of variation, and its probability density function.
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