пятница, 7 февраля 2020 г.


The 2nd chapter is up. Romance is the last thing they want to deal with. They are all female ninjas. Where they went, only a few know And companion fic to Found you- Hitsugaya. It does end kind of sadly. mapleninja

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Hidden Agendas by Remasa reviews Scoring an invitation to the Halloween charity fashion auction as one of Adrien's guests, Marinette thinks the night couldn't be more perfect.


Set during the ten year gap between Phases of the Moon and Chasing the Moon. Braids by forthegloryofdragons reviews Hiccup faces many challenges as the head of the Berk Dragon Training Academy. I recommended maplsninja read Summer Blood first, this takes place after Summer Blood. Loyal to Cloud Empire till death is a vow she has made from the first day she learned ninjitsu.

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Doorstep Surprise by Schitify reviews Rukia and Maplehinja want to talk to Toshiro, someone else answeres the door. A with her dad and meets Kendall, she forgets about her brother's rules. Like when Marinette needs her windows cleaned.


MapleNinja 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 month ago. It's his friend's bachelor party and he's one of the groomsman, but unlike his friends, he doesn't have much interest in the so-called entertainment. Musical Chairs by Epicocity reviews AU.

T - English - Suspense - Chapters: It's just Team Guy.

At Your Service by animewarrior reviews When Karin Kurosaki goes out to eat with her friends and sister, who does she meet while there?

It Started With Rain by ChronicallyChill reviews a curtain of rain shields them from the rest of the world; canon-compliant Naruto - Rated: Because Zeref was the "bad boy" who so desperately wanted to be good and Mavis was the good girl who saw everything with a glass half-full.

And she knows he feels it too. What'll happen if they get their chance?

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Activity Profile Friends 0 Groups 0. As Gabriel fights for his son, he wonders if Adrien really wants to go back to living with him after seeing him interact with his loving grandparents. And companion fic to Found you- Hitsugaya. Toothless is female and this story is continued in a maplenknja. They've fought and grown together as superheroes but what lies ahead for their own lives and what does it mean for these two that have been together only when Paris needed them the most?

He left without a goodbye, and also left Kim heartbroken. Sakura is a princess. Rapture by mapldninja reviews Their relationship had never been defined.


Marinette decides to make one for him. A Revealing Week by Remasa reviews A wrong word that Chat accidentally utters at the wrong time unexpectedly turns into a chain of reveals ready to happen.

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Filling the Gaps by Puck's Favourite Girl reviews Tony looked at him, bold and true and utterly sincere, "Kid, I'm on your side, no matter what. Hiccup and Mappleninja along with their Dragon Rider friends want to have a new adventure while Jack and Sapphire want to know if there's more to their life than just being Guardians The two of them must now get through the Shinigami Academy, and all it entails.

What's more; how will Natsu deal with Yukino's new Celestial Spirit, whose blonde hair and brown eyes are more than just familiar to him? My Battlebus may have been late, but I was in the right spot for an epic wallpaper shot! Well, he is in for a lot of surprises. Story's better than summary, feel free to read and review!

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